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Orange information

  • Orange is a widely grown citrus fruit in India.Mandarin, sweet orange is a commercially grown citrus species in India.

  • Production of mandarin oranges is increasing every year in the central and western parts of India. Oranges are the third largest production in India after bananas and curry.

  • An orange tree is a citrus tree with a productive life of 50-60 years. Some well-maintained orange trees can live for 100 years or more.

  • The orange tree is mostly grown for its fruit, but its fruit is also used as an ornamental

  • Cold is the most important enemy of orange trees. High speed and cold winds also damage the trees by losing fruit and reducing productivity.

Top quality Orange cultivation

  • To grow saplings, first of all it is necessary to prepare the land properly by plowing, cross plowing and leveling the soil.

  • High density (close proximity) planting is possible in hilly areas

  • Orange trees are usually prepared by grafting. If we want to grow orange trees from seed, we have to understand that an orange tree grown from seed may not bear fruit for the first 10-12 years or more.

  • A tree prepared from seed is savandansil for various diseases so commercial products never use this method they use grafting method so they can get proper production after 2-3 years.

  • Climate is the most important parameter in choosing a field location for orange trees. Climate largely determines the success of an orange farm and the quality of fruit, while soil and water determine the productivity of orange trees.

  • Irrigation requirement for oranges is very high as it is throughout the year. Irrigation depends on soil type.

  • Adequate irrigation should be provided for development of fruit, fruit set and fruit quality. Waterlogging should be avoided and water should be alkaline free

  • Depending on the variety, the fruits are generally ready for harvest in mid-January to mid-February.


Diseases & Remedy of Orange crops

  • Iron Deficiency:The color of the new leaves changes to yellow green

  • Cow or sheep manure is also helpful in relieving plants of iron deficiency, which is often found in alkaline soils.

  • Powdery mildew:A white cottony powdery growth occurs on all aerial parts of the plant.Leaves tend to become less yellow and wrinkled.

  • Leaf surface is more affected and fruit drop prematurely and production is significantly reduced

  • To remove powdery mildew, affected plant parts should be removed

Top rice producing country & states

top orange producing countries
top indian orange producing states
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